Online Giving
For our online giving we use a service called Givelify. Givelify gets 2.9% of the donation + $0.30 per donation. So if you are giving through this avenue keep in mind giving extra to cover the fees would be nice. Usually donations are deposited the next business day. Givelify gives you the ability to print out detailed reports on your giving, and also to set up recurring donations. If you are interested please Click Here
Other Ways of Giving
The traditional way of giving at our church is still the mainstream way of giving. Both Sunday morning and Sunday evening an offering is taken up during the service. Checks can be designated towards a particular fund by listing that fund in the memo. Faith Promise can be designated in the memo portion of your check or put in the missions envelopes available in the Card holders on the backs of our pews. Every 5th Sunday of a month we do a second offering which is for our Building Fund.