Sunday School and BTC are our pre-worship educational options. Sunday School begins at 10 A.M. on Sunday mornings and BTC (Baptist Training Course) begins at 5 P.M. on Sunday evenings. Our kids have age appropriate classes, and our adults have several classes to choose from. Here is a list of those classes with a short description. Click here for current Sunday School Videos.

Sunday School

Adult Men  (For ages 55 and over)

Adult Ladies (For ages 55 and over)

        Adult IV (Men and Women’s class)

Adult III (Men and Women’s class)

Adult II (Men and Women’s class)

          Men’s Bible Study (Men’s class for all ages)

Daughter’s of the King (Women’s class for all ages)

Bridge Builders (class for young couples)


Berean (Go through a book of the Bible)

Instructional (Go through a Bible Study)

Adult Class (Use the ABA literature)

       Teens (6th – 12th grade)

       Children’s Class (K-5th Grade)